e3 Diagnostics

Need balance assessment equipment? e3 Diagnostics carries forward-looking products from the world's leading manufacturers of vestibular balance test solutions, Micromedical by Interacoustics and Virtualis. With same-day service in many locations, e3 Diagnostics stands ready to provide high-quality balance assessment equipment for your ENT practice, audiology clinic or rehab facility.

Whether you're looking for a balance testing machine for athletes or a vestibular function test that assesses the vestibular ocular reflex, e3 Diagnostics is the nation's preferred provider of reliable sales and service solutions.

  • Eyeseecam laptop

    A portable, efficient, and accurate system for measuring the vestibular ocular reflex in response to head movement, the EyeSeeCam vHIT from Interacoustics is an industry leader. With lightweight non-slip test...

  • Orion Chairs visualeyes

    Rotary chair testing is an objective assessment of vestibular function. The VisualEyesTM platform integrates with the Orion chairs for advanced vestibular...

  • Interacoustics TRV Chair

    The TRV Chair is a true revolution within the treatment of dizziness as more than half of all patients presenting in our clinic with dizziness suffer from BPPV...

  • micromedical-air-fx

    The AirFx caloric irrigator from Micromedical delivers precisely controlled air temperature and flow to evaluate the horizontal semi-circular canal during caloric testing. Requiring little attention, the AirFx only...

  • micromedical-aqua-stim

    Delivering precisely controlled air temperature and flow, the Aqua Stim from Micromedical is an ideal tool for evaluation of the horizontal semi-circular canal during caloric testing. Featuring an ergonomic handle...

  • visualeyes 505

    VisualEyes™ 505 provides ideal conditions for fixation-free observation and recording of eye movements during...

  • micromedical-visualeyes-525

    With next generation software for testing patients with dizziness and balance disorders, the Micromedical VisualEyes 525 is videonystagmography system that lets you touch the future of balance. Its binocular...

  • visual eyes ocular goggles

    This advanced video-oculography system provides neurologists, functional neurologists, and other professionals with comprehensive oculomotor and nystagmus tests to evaluate central vestibular pathways...

  • Physio VR goggles

    Physical Therapy assessments and rehabilitation with integrated Virtual Reality...

  • Balance VR goggles

    Balance & Vestibular assessments and rehabilitation with integrated Virtual Reality...

  • motionvr

    360° smooth moving Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP) and Motion Simulator with integrated Virtual Reality...

  • staticvr

    Static Posturography and Rehabilitation force plates with integrated Virtual Reality...