Recently, GSI released their long-awaited next-generation clinical EP and OAE system, the Audera Pro. A compact and versatile device capable of performing all standard evoked potential tests, the GSI Audera Pro comes with significant updates to support the demands of any busy practice. Some of these updates include:
- P300/MMN
- ASSR Binaural testing
- Speech Stimuli for ABR
- Integrated Pre-Amplifier
- Area Ratio for ECochG
- Cross Correlation of Waveforms
- Automatic SNR and RN Calculation
- And much more
We can talk about the Audera Pro all day, but we think it would be better to show you what it's capable of. That's why the team from e3 Med-Acoustics has put together this helpful demo video to show off some of the advanced new features Audera Pro has to offer. Watch below!

If you're interested in learning more about GSI Audera Pro or would like a quote on the device, get in touch with your local e3 office today!
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