patient using virtual reality for rehab

Concussion Rehab & Assessment: Life Changing Technology


“It was life changing!" Watch the video below to learn how VNG testing and Virtualis virtual reality rehabilitation helped Linda Howton overcome debilitating post-concussion symptoms.

virtualis patient testimonial video

Linda Howton's life changed dramatically after a concussion in 2013. Despite successful surgeries to repair her inner ears, she still felt like she was constantly rocking on a boat, found busy environments overwhelming, and experienced extreme fatigue.

Desperate for relief, Howton discovered the Functional Neurology Center. There, a VNG (Videonystagmography) test, using specialized video frenzel goggles, provided insights that previous doctors had missed, allowing for a tailored treatment plan.

“They mapped my eyes, how my eyes were working with the VNG goggles. And I didn't realize that that was technology and testing that my medical doctors didn't have. I thought they had done everything, but this was different, and because of what they saw then, they knew how to fine tune and what I needed to do,” says Howton.

Linda’s treatment plan included virtual reality rehabilitation using Virtualis, which she found enjoyable and effective. According to Howton:

“There was the virtual reality set up. And it was almost like playing a game. It wasn't intimidating at all. You got in it, they told you what to do, and it was fun, yet it was helping to retrain your brain and helping your eyes and brains work together.”

Linda was amazed at the quick, specific results and believes no one should have to suffer from lingering concussion symptoms when such help is available.

“The results that I've seen here, I wouldn't have believed it. Nobody should suffer with the symptoms of a concussion or whatever their scenario is, when there is such targeted help that can make such a difference so quickly.” - Linda Howton

Learn more about key assessment and rehabilitation equipment:


VisualEyesTM 505 VNG Goggles

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Other Good Reads: Virtual Reality Physical Therapy Benefits with Virtualis


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